Estate Planning

Tax Efficient Estate Planning

Our professional and discreet Estate Planning advisors can advise on and implement a range of techniques to assist with your Inheritance Tax planning. We can help you arrange your affairs carefully to ensure your family does not pay any more tax than necessary.

Our estate planning service includes:

  • reviewing your Will and suggesting adjustments
  • applying for Lasting Power of Attorney
  • making full use of gift exemptions
  • optimising lifetime transfers between spouses
  • considering a transfer of assets into trust or directly to other recipients

With careful planning and review we can help to ensure asset values are maximised by utilising our expertise in several specific areas including but not limited to;

Inheritance Tax

Inheritance Tax is generally payable where a person’s taxable estate is in excess of £325,000, although in some circumstances further allowances may also be available. Depending on your circumstances, careful planning can reduce your exposure to IHT and therefore increase wealth for your future generations. Our specialist advice will ensure that you make full use of all available tax exemptions.


A trust can be created to aid wealth preservation, allowing assets to be passed down through generations in a secure and tax efficient manner. We can help with tax efficient trust formation, minimising both IHT and Capital Gains Tax (CGT), and advising on the most beneficial structure for your needs. We will also deal with ongoing advice, preparation of accounts, tax returns and share valuations.

Residence and Domicile Status

Your residence and domicile status will impact upon a variety of UK taxes including IHT and CGT. Even if you no longer live in Britain and have lived overseas for many years you can still be classed as a British domicile and therefore liable to UK Inheritance Tax.

Other countries have different rules on tax and where your assets go to. HWB has the experience and expertise to advise and assist you in this area, ensuring your legacy will be distributed as you wish.

To find out more about our Estate Planning advice contact us on 023 8046 1200.

Meet our Estate Planning specialist:


Gemma Hedges


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